[VIDEO CLIP] "Thank You" is All You Need.


Note to Self: Give People a Reason to Say, “Thank You” and the rest will happen.

What people want is our PRESENCE, not our presents. Time well spent, enjoying the benefits of our relationship. They don’t need ads or discounts or squeeze pages. Stop trying to talk your way into a sale, and instead, contribute your way into one.

Yesterday, I booked a wonderful event for next year.

The client has tried to book me twice before, but the dates hadn’t worked out. In the meantime, we had to be content to remain friends on Facebook.

“I’m so excited I can be there this year,” I said when we talked on the phone.
“It’s meant to be,” said my client.
“Why do you say that?” I asked.

“Well, one of the brokers was sharing something you posted online the other day, and it got me remembering that we hadn’t booked you yet. So I called them and we agreed to make it happen this year,” she explained.

“So you called early enough that my schedule just couldn’t be booked yet!” I laughed. “Perfect!”

A daily Presence led to the best present.
I don’t have a logo.
I don’t run ads or paid clicks.

My website is a resource, not a squeeze page. You’ll never see “fear of missing out” on my blog posts or memes.

Just me. Doing me. Sharing me.

“In the meantime,” my client continued, “we will keep sharing your posts because it’s like getting a little bit of you every day until we can spend a few days together in person at our conference.”

What better way to build connections and demonstrate your value? No need for artificial intelligence or paid reviews. No energy was wasted trying to become an influencer in the wild. The best way to get attention is to pay attention to others -

With the intention to give people a reason to simply say:

Thank you.
And the rest will happen.
