How grateful am I for the quest for the Best!
The doctors whose handiwork is health in our bodies and minds
The scientists who change “no idea” into “we’re winning” just in time
The engineers who confront “how did that happen?” with “make this better instead!”
The teachers who transform youth into wisdom with words spoken and read
The investors who see potential and bring it to life
The artists whose crafts thrill our spirits and senses with delight
The salespeople who make dreams come true for friends and strangers alike
The craftsmen who turn the elements into the moments of joy and light.
Expertise in every shape and form and kind to imagine: not solely to be paid or become rich or seen in high fashion.
That expertise happens for a handshake or a hug, even when no one is looking for dough. Reaching the best in each of us: more valuable than gold. In unending amounts and infinitely so!
It need not be instant or perfect. Just a desire, to do our best. To strive to get it right, not settle for less. And stay true to the effort, even on days where we miss.
When I think about what gets so much attention these days - reality television where no actors need apply - antics on apps where coarseness is glorified - companies who produce nothing and reap billions in rewards - journalism without facts as long as it clicks - tenths of truths that pass for political tricks - I caution myself not to become too worried or sad. Yes, it may seem the idiots are running the show. When we monetize mediocrity and mendacity, we risk bedlam, you know.
And then I experience some bit of humanity at its best - an action so simple, performed at its finest. A conversation that helps grow my mind or my craft. A neighbor’s action that’s kind, a moment unexpectedly deft. Something so well designed - I see the Best remains real and fresh.
That’s what I’m most grateful for -
not just that it can be found!
But that the quest for the Highest
Remains the goal for us all,
The penultimate door.
There is plenty of Good to be found
In the world through and through,
Shining through the expertise of people -
Everywhere just like You!