It's Time to Look Up

Whenever I feel upset about things I can't do these days, I look things up on the internet:

When I get upset because I can't go to a bar or restaurant, I look up how many hospitality workers lost their jobs entirely this year.

When I get mad that I have been asked to wear a mask, I look up how many doctors and nurses wear them for 12 hours a day.

When I get frustrated I can't jump on a plane and take a vacation on a whim, I look up hotel and airline bankruptcies.

When I get sad I can't go to the office or a conference in person, I look up how many convention centers have closed forever.

When I gripe about the inconveniences of *living during a pandemic*, I look up how many people have died at this time.

It's when I look up and look around and say to myself: "What did I expect? It's not bad weather or a recession or a technical difficulty soon resolved. It's called a pandemic for a reason. A decade or a century ago, it would have been a hundred-fold worse. What can't I handle - being still healthy and safe and employed and well-fed and connected and entertained and so much more!"

It's then when I realize that I must not only look up those things to give myself perspective - but to strengthen my mind and become the person I need to be for myself and others to -

*Look Up To* as well.
